The Role of Dry Fruits in Islamic Traditions & Ramadan

The Role of Dry Fruits in Islamic Traditions & Ramadan

Dry fruits are revered in Islamic culture, particularly during Ramadan, the month of fasting, contemplation, and spiritual development. Since the days of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to contemporary Ramadan celebrations, dry fruits such as dates, almonds, figs, raisins, and walnuts have been an integral part of Islamic culture. They are not just a source of nutrition …

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Using Dates for Natural Skin Hydration & Glow

Using Dates for Natural Skin Hydration & Glow

Dates, the ripe fruits of the date palm plant (Phoenix dactylifera), are a dietary fixture in Middle Eastern cuisine for thousands of years. Aside from their delicious taste and nutritional value, dates contain many benefits for skincare. Being chock-full of essential nutrients, antioxidants, and natural sugars, dates can be used to intensify skin moisturization and …

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Why Dry Fruits Are the Perfect Snack for Gym-Goers

Why Dry Fruits Are the Perfect Snack for Gym-Goers

If someone wants to have a healthy and fit life, nutrition is an important factor besides physical exercise. Gym enthusiasts, sports persons, and fitness coaches are always looking for foods that are nutrient-dense and provide them with energy, aid in muscle recovery, and support overall well-being. Dry fruits or dried fruits are becoming increasingly popular …

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